Despre Mine

Psihoterapeut internațional și transcultural, format în psihoterapie sistemică pentru cuplu și familie și consilier premarital

Atunci când vei păși în cabinetul meu de psihoterapie e important sa știi ca nu iți voi pune vreun diagnostic, nu îți voi face evaluare clinică scrisă prin teste psihologice și nici nu iți voi atribui judecăți de valoare. Te vei numi Client și NU Pacient.

Psihologia și psihoterapia sunt de mult timp o pasiune pentru mine. Încă din copilărie eram persoana din grup care dădea ascultare nevoilor celorlalți  sau cea la care se păstrau secretele.

Am ales acest drum profesional într-un moment în care psihologia abia reînmugurea la noi în țară și pot să afirm că am crescut de-a lungul timpului împreună, m-am dezvoltat personal și profesional prin curiozitate și perseverență.

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“the app for therapists and their clients”


I have been doing sessions with Tina for 2 years now and I don’t have enough words to express what an extraordinary positive impact this has had on my personal progress. My sessions with Tina has been the best gift I can do for myself, my marriage and my family. Tina is by far the best and most amazing therapist I have ever come across. Her work and therapy is not one of dependance but one of helping us, her clients, to discover the unseen patterns that we attach and identify with so that we can recognize, become aware and empower ourselves with conscious choices and personal changes
 When my family and I started working with Tina we had significant marriage issues that were hard to resolve, family issues and personal patterns that were resulting in perpetuation of self-sabotage.
With Tina’s guidance and therapy, my husband and I moved from problems and helplessness into a relationship that is loving, supportive and fulfilling, as we were able to see each other and accept/understand our differences and love each other. With Tina’s help, I was able to first recognize and then take personal action to impact my patterns into those that I own, am responsible for and choose. To me this has been one of the most liberating and empowering processes of my life, allowing me to move from victimization/helplessness to personal empowerment, that has transformed my life inside out. She has helped my relationship with my daughter, to improve our communication and openness to each other, allowing our relationship now to be incredibly loving and trusting.
I am so happy with my personal progress and having seen & experienced so much internal progress, I have recommended her to all my friends , many who experienced their own personal transformation and saved a couple marriages.
The one advice I have is that you have to be open within to recognize where you need to change in order for those changes to occur successfully. It’s not easy but it is the most fulfilling and empowering process one can experience in our life journey.
Thank you Tina!

Dana M.

Valentina a creat spațiul necesar pentru ca eu să-mi regăsesc vocea, un pas atât de vital în devenirea mea. Prin Valentina am reușit să construiesc energia interioară pentru a putea alege altfel, pentru a alege ceea ce este benefic pentru mine. după mulți ani în care beneficul părea imposibil de recuperat. Viața a devenit, în sfârșit, o vacanță. Iar recunoștința ce o simt acum pentru ajutorul primit prin Valentina este în sine un „bonus”, pe cât de neașteptat, pe atât de special. Mulțumesc, Valentina!